Weather Stripping

According to the residential, industrial and commercial building codes throughout various jurisdictions in Ontario, any door to an uninsulated room such as an attic or cellar, as well as exterior doors, must have weather stripping applied to them. Some of these doors receive custom weather stripping from the factory, which is where A.J. Rubber & Sponge Ltd. comes in. For many years our Hamilton based facility have supplied door manufacturers, construction companies and general contractors with weather stripping services. We possess the ability to produce custom weather stripping with a number of variable parameters including weather stripping length, weather stripping width, and weather stripping thickness.

Weather stripping is the process of sealing a product to ensure that any kind of opening on windows, hatches, doors and trunks are protected from the volatile forces of nature. Rain, hail, sleet, snow and any other form of moisture can be prevented from entering a building or piece of equipment through the application of A.J. Rubber & Sponge Ltds. weather stripping services. Returning or rerouting the water typically accomplishes the prevention process, and our weather stripping also keeps inside air in, resulting in air conditioning and heating cost reduction. In addition to the manufacture of custom gaskets and seals such as custom rubber seals, A.J. Rubber & Sponge Ltd. offers customized weather stripping services for your unique commercial or industrial application.

To learn more about A.J. Rubber & Sponge Ltds. weather stripping services, or our custom rubber seals, please get in touch with us.

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